What is Circumambulation in a Psychological Sense?

Chakraborty Shubhajit
3 min readDec 25, 2020

My father was a peculiar person, in a sense he was a very conscientious person but at the same time, he had this typical trait openness personality and open to creativity. That’s quite a mixed-up personality I believe! He always said; “Today what you’re thinking, tomorrow you’ll think differently. And this change of thought process is continuous, and we need to adapt to that.”

What I am? This is not essentially a metaphysical query per se, but profoundly a biological idea. What I am is the being that is caught in this fragment of time. There is so to say a potential me that could be manifested in a future time frame. It obviously depends on the time frame of my existence but the future me, or to say potential me is always there, probably I don’t know yet, but there is always a potential existence that exists. So, I am is not the thing of the present that I am experiencing but also the thing that transforms myself to who I am.

I have a potential self, and it is potentiality in everything that I could be. This self is manifesting itself moment to moment whether I want it or not in my present life. What I could be, is manifesting in the present by giving hints or presenting significant engagement. The things that I am genuinely interested in, which guide me along the path that would lead me to maximal development.

If you go through your own history, you can observe certain recurrent themes in your life that are too engaging. Or perhaps you are pushed towards a certain pathway even though you are not fully prepared for it. For example, say you are a creative person but you never explored your creative thoughts and made it in a concrete form. You were too tangled with your mess and engaged in the daily grind. Yet, from moment to moment you found people around you who indirectly inspired you; you subtly pushed towards things that were too engaging for your innate creative pursuit. The funny thing is you don’t know what is good for you and you are not a risk-taker, so you have just left the idea.

Any unconventional idea in any form is a stupid idea because one can’t just leave the safe space and dwell into unknown. Let’s say it ‘call to adventure’, and you didn’t answer your call to adventure. Again, say after 2–3 years when you are just settled down with a job, family or anything that sort of conventional settlement, again you find the same theme repeats in your life. This time perhaps in the form of an acquaintance. This time also you just can’t engage yourself religiously because it seems somehow warped and bent. We always experience moment to moment certain inspirations, and more often than not, these inspirations are weirdly related to our previous themes.

I remember my father’s quote and find it true. However, with time and experience our vision becomes sharper, so does our thinking. We tend to see things beyond our rationality and youthful enthusiasm. We understand that there is a much deeper aspect very innately hardwired within us that so to say, a force, which pushes us to our destiny. of course, who knows what is in the future, but we can certainly look into it by engaging in something that gives a sense of meaning.



Chakraborty Shubhajit

A writer by profession, a wanderer by passion. A student of psychology and a student of Oriental philosophy.